

You will find in this page all the words which can pose a problem or for which it can be interessant to have a definition or complementary information.

Organization for Women’s rights (proper noun)
Created on 16 April 1870 by Leon Richter. It fights for the improvement of women’s situation. In 1882, it became the french league for women's rights.
#Balancetonporc (hashtag)
Social movement which gives speaking to victims or witnesses of rapes or sexual assaults. It was created in 2017.
MMI BUT (proper noun)
Educational establishment of 3 years which prepares web’s jobs.
Ces hommes qui épousèrent la cause des femmes (proper noun)
Novel by Martine Monacelli and Michel Prum which speaks about feminist men in Great Britain during the XIX century.
Civil code (proper noun)
Legal code which assembles laws about people’s positions, property and relation between private people.
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International Congress of Women’s rights (proper noun)
Feminist meeting which has taken place on 25 July to 9 August 1878 in Paris.
Declaration of woman’s and citizen’s rights (proper noun)
French legal text written by Olympe de Gouges to demand legal, politic, social integration for women.
De l'assujettissement des femmes (proper noun)
Literary essay by John Stuart Mill published in 1869 and in which he brings his ideas of equality between men and women and right vote developed with his wife.
De l’éducation des femmes (proper noun)
Book by Pierre de Choderlos de Laclos written in 1783 which speaks about the fate reserved by our society for women.
De l’égalité des deux sexes (proper noun)
Physical and moral speech dated 1673 which mentions and defends equality between men and women.
Emancipation (noun)
Action to liberate or to liberate himself about an authority or prejudice.
Harvard’s university (proper noun)
American private University situated in Cambridge which was founded in 1636. She is considered one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.
Feminism (noun)
Ensemble of movements and philosophic ideas which defines and promotes equality between men and women and women’s rights.
Women’s walking (proper noun)
Political meeting in Washington on 21 January 2017 to promote among others women’s rights.
Le deuxième sexe (proper noun)
Feminist essay by Simone de Beauvoir written in 1949. It interests itself about women’s place and her cause with an objective and philosophic gaze.
Law for professional equality (proper noun)
Law of the 13 July 1983 which modifies the labour code and the penal code to add professional equality between men and women.
Abortion (noun)
abortion made because of personal or familial choice and not because of medical reasons. It is made in a very precise legal setting.
Veil Law (proper noun)
Law of the 17 January 1975 which legalizes abortion.
Movement of women’s liberation (proper noun)
Feminist and not mixed movement which claim liberty for women to have available about their body and which question partiarchal society.
Constitution’s preamble (proper noun)
Ensemble of fundamental rights and liberties which appeared necessary to add in the Declaration of Man and citizen’s rights in the end of the Second World War.
Martine Monacelli (proper noun)
She is a teacher of British civilization in the Nice-Sophia Antipolis University in Nice.
#metoo (hashtag)
Social movement to liberate speaking of women victims and witness of sexual violence. It started in 2007 and has been particularly famous in 2017.
State’s secretarial work for the women’s status (proper noun)
Created in France in 1974 by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. It is charged to take measures to improve women’s situation and suppress discrimination.
Shoah (proper noun)
Systematic extermination process on the jewish people by the Nazi Germany during the Second World War. It has prompted the disappearance of 5-6 millions jews.
Sociology (proper noun)
Study and analysis of relations and social representations in our society, specially across her transformations.
The Oprah Winfrey Show (proper noun)
American talk show presented and produced by Oprah Winfrey. It is interested itself about world’s actualities and issues.