
Michelle Obama, an international feminist

Michelle Obama is a stakeholder about actual feminism. Very involved, she does a lot of speeches to promote feminism’s values all around the world.


Michelle Obama was born on 17 January 1964 in Chicago. She is famous for her role as first lady during the presidential term of her husband Barack Obama. However, unlike her predecessor, Michelle Obama didn’t need the highlighting of her husband’s presidency. In fact, she was already very well known by the media and has succeeded to prouve her value because of her idees before the highlighting of presidency. Nevertheless she became a lawyer. She has done sociology’s studies before going to Harvard’s university. She is also a respected mother. She has two daughters Malia and Natasha.

Image of Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama
next part passage

She is particularly respected and liked by the media for her frankness, her strengths and her commitment in different cases. She has such an important mediatic and political weight.

The feminist Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is very involved in different cases like racism, obesity and feminism.

Indeed she has done a lot of speeches for girls' access to education in the world. She has placed herself against women violence as moral as physical. She has appeared with Tarana Burk, the creator of the #metoo movement. According to her, we have to pass from speaking to action. She has even confessed to having already suffered sexist criticism.

They asked my brother what he would do later, and they asked me which type of men i would marry myself.

This sentence shows that in society's mind, a woman's life is not a career but a wedding. It is totally the opposite of man’s life, which is career.

When she spoke about her dreams and her objectives, people showed her that, as a woman, her voice counted less and what she dreamed was worth less than her looks, what she reflected.

According to them, a woman has to take care of herself and her wedding instead of dreaming about a career.

Michelle Obama’s strength has been shown in the fact that she has succeeded to be heard and to make her idees listened to, as women on one hand, and on another hand as a black woman.

Michelle Obama’s speeche - London

In fact, black women have 2 “handicapped” factors in our sexist and racist society.

Thus, Michelle Obama has succeeded to be higher than those difficulties and to impose herself on the mediatic stage to share her ideas.

Michelle Obama travels all around the world to give conventions. According to her, women are underestimated and even in danger. It is for what we have to be united and that women who can speak have to speak for the ones who can't.

Michelle Obama’s speeches have permitted to wake up minds and to push women to interrogate themselves . She has send the message to women that today women don’t have to squash themselves against men, they have to think for themselves.

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