
By the way

To know more about this website and its creator you will find here presentations which will help you to get a clear idea.

My description

I am Julie Albini, a student in the first year of the MMI BUT. Later, I want to become a web designer if possible for my account. I like in these works the mixing between the creative side and the numerical side.

BUT MMI Montbeliard's logo
BUT MMI Montbeliard’s logo

It is for what I was going in the MMI BUT which enables on one part to prepare for this job and on the other hand which combines these two aspects. Indeed, we develop our creative mind across different creations, numerically or not. We have also some classes which enable us to make a link between our creations and the informatic tool like graphic production’s classes.

next part passage

My project

This website about feminism has been created to help and inform people who are interested and want to learn more about this topic. I tried to concern uncommon topics like feminist men to open awareness about those themes.

As we have seen many times across the different articles particularly, feminism is an important concern for today and for the future. It is for what I have taken to heart the creation of this website and of the contents : they serve a good cause. I hope that this website will help to make progress in people's minds and participate in this fight which didn’t have to take place today.

Others projects

Pour avoir d’autres informations sur le féminisme, voici d’autres sites qui pourraient vous être utiles.